Some important metrices of Human Resource

Human Resouce are many metrics, but some important metrics are given below:

 Medical costs per employee:

For each employee, companies include health insurance costs in their budgets. Taking the total healthcare budget and dividing it by the number of employees gives us the cost per employee. It can be helpful for you to track the healthcare cost per employee to determine how much money you allocate to healthcare. Job seekers always consider health insurance.

To retain your employees, you need to ensure that healthcare costs are reasonable and balanced for each employee.

Training cost vs. effectiveness:

By tracking development costs, a company can make better choices regarding personnel development. A company will have an efficient and effective workforce after effective training. You can evaluate the results of training by measuring what people learn. You can set goals to determine the success of a training program, or you can track the results over time. An effective training program boosts employee performance, retention, productivity, and satisfaction. Conversely, a lack of development opportunities can lead to employee discontentment and resignations.

The overtime percentage:

Several factors can contribute to a high overtime percentage. Look into the reasons for the high rate. Generally, this is a sign of the inefficiency of a position or an intermittent issue when meeting deadlines. To calculate the overtime percentage rate, divide the total overtime payment by the total payroll. It will let you know how well you manage your schedule and full-time staff. If your overtime percentage is higher than average or steadily increases, consider using training, technology, or other tactics to reduce it.
